Food & Beverage Industry

food & beverage Industry

Seamless, Hygienic Flooring Systems 

Blome is a performance leader in providing durable, corrosion-resistant and antimicrobial heavy-duty protective linings. Specialized for floors, walls, and containment areas, these linings provide the perfect balance of safety, hygiene, aesthetics, and life-cycle economics.

THERMCRETETM is an innovative next-generation family of cementitious-urethane flooring surface systems. THERMCRETE HY-CLENETM antimicrobial technology is an available additive for most Blome lining systems, providing the highest level of hygiene and cleanliness available.


THERMCRETETM Application Features:

  • Non-toxic
  • Low/no odor
  • Enhanced flexibility
  • Excellent color stability
  • Fast application – no primer or sealants required
  • Quick setting, fast turnaround
  • Strong thermal shock resistance
  • Outstanding chemical resistance

Seamless Flooring Systems Products

    Environmental Coatings

    Grouts and Mortars


    Primers and Sealants

    THERMCRETE Polyurethane Cement Floor Surfacers


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